
Gemstone Gallery
- This is where to go to view gemstones in
stock, as well as getting ideas for gems to be used in Custom made pieces.
- This is a chart of
Birthstones of the month with links to information and photos of each Gem.
The Viennese mineralogist Friedrich Mohs (1773-1839) invented the
scratch hardness test. He defined scratch hardness as the resistance
of a mineral when scratched with a pointed testing object. Mohs
chose ten minerals of different hardness for comparison and graded
these minerals one to ten. Each mineral in this series scratches the
previous one. Minerals of equal hardness cannot scratch each other.
By comparative application of Mohs' hardness scale the hardness
(according to Mohs) of every gem can be determined. Stones with
scratch hardness 1 and 2 are soft, 3 to 6 medium hard, over 6 hard.
Minerals of Mohs' hardness 8 to 10 are also described as "hard
gems." The luster and polish of gems of hardness below 7 can be
damaged by dust as this may contain small particles of quartz (Mohs
hardness 7). Such stones must be carefully handled when worn or
stored so that they do not come into contact with any scratching
Relative and Absolute
Hardness Scale
(Mohs) |
used for
comparison |
Simple hardness
tester |
(Rosiwal) |
1 |
Talc |
Can be scratched
with fingernail |
0.03 |
2 |
Gypsum |
Can be scratched
with fingernail |
1.25 |
3 |
Calcite |
Can be scratched
with copper coin |
4.5 |
4 |
Fluorite |
Easily scratched
with knife |
5.0 |
5 |
Apatite |
Can be scratched
with knife |
6.5 |
6 |
Orthoclase |
Can be scratched
with steel file |
37.0 |
7 |
Quartz |
Scratches window
glass |
120.0 |
8 |
Topaz |
Scratches window
glass |
175.0 |
9 |
Corundum |
Scratches window
glass |
1,000.0 |
10 |
Diamond |
Scratches window
glass |
140,000.0 |
Hint Hint!
Copyright: 1979,
The Tapley Collection
Copyright: 2005,